教我做英文 小六 TSA 6

2008-01-13 8:39 am
Jimmy's dad is playing a guessing game with Jimmy adou what totake for the trip
Read the riddles and answer the questions
They have long arms in winter.
They have short oron arms in summer.
They are with uw nearly all the time.
They come in small,medium or large.
We don't need them when when we take a bath or shower.
I'm wearing one now with a flower.
1.What are 'they'?
2.Which word rhymes with 'shower'?

回答 (2)

2008-01-13 8:57 am
1. clothes
2. flower
2008-01-13 8:56 am
They are clothes

2008-01-13 00:57:43 補充:
'summer' rhymes with 'shower'
參考: me

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