Guys and girls answer please!! : Would you take *5 million dollars* IF...?

2008-01-12 10:18 pm had to be sterilized.
For those who don't know, that means you can't have children.
- Men can't make the sperm, women can't have the baby.

So, would you do that if someone gave you 5 million (tax free, of course) ?

Or not?

(I would...five mil would certainly compensate for not being able to have kids)

回答 (94)

2008-01-12 10:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes yes yes yes yes.

Then again, I already have a kid. I wouldn't go back and NOT have him for that much money, but I wouldn't have any more for that much.
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
i would! because with the money i could adopt kids and not go through labor pains! lol
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
no way.
money cant replace having kids of your own
2008-01-12 10:26 pm
There!!! ... Show your true colors, but then again I bet none of you are older then 18 years of age, so must of you don't understand, what Love for another human being is all about, do you? no wounder our society is going to the pits...let see where our society goes within this generation! May God have mercy of our Soul.
2008-01-12 10:23 pm
you're lifeless and a money whore. Money isn't everything.

Would a wild animal choose fresh meat over cubs? never. We are/ should be no different. Money is civilizations worse enemy. It changes people in the worst way. I dare you ask this question to someone who is really sterile and see what they think.

That is a lot of money but you can make that much and still have a loving child of your own if you work hard.
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
I can't put a price on a kid.
of course not.

would you be happy if your life got choosen over money instead?
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
Yeah - now give me the money as I don't want kids anyway!! :)
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
na i wudnt
2008-01-12 10:30 pm
Of course! You may become a foster parent anyway, and parentship has almost nothing to do with the bilogical process, but with the way you behave as a parent with a children.

In any case, the amount of money isn't the point here. THis reminds me of an scene from an Argentinian movie (Nine queens), where one character uses toilet paper as if it were money as a fee for another character to do something morally questionable. Piling up toilet paper the guy ask "wouldn't you doing for $10,000?... for $100,000?... for $1,000,000?" until reaching a point where the other guy gives up saying "well... yes, I'd do it". Then, the first guy says "did you see, there are many prostitutes left in this world, what we lack are investors". :-)

Is this about money?
2008-01-12 10:23 pm
You could adopt a lot of children with 5 million bucks and get them out of poverty.... Sure! Why not! Hand it over!! lol
2008-01-12 10:22 pm
yes i would love to have that much money
2008-01-12 10:22 pm
NO! Definately completely not!!!!!!!
2008-01-12 10:22 pm
heck no babies are gods greatest gift!
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
i would take it in a new york heartbeat, sterilization wouldnt bother me at all, i cant stand kids.
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
I dont have kids now & im pushing 40 so yeah I would take it and adopt a few at birth
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
YES!!! I'm done having kids - bring it on!!
2008-01-12 10:20 pm
Heck yea, I'm not a kid person.
2008-01-12 10:23 pm
that's cheep u might as well just say would you do it for a 1$
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
yes after I get pregnant with 3 kids i'd accept to get sterilized AND take the 5 mil.
2008-01-18 1:15 pm
no, because i want to have children! You shouldn't be putting a price on children!
2008-01-18 10:35 am
2008-01-12 10:25 pm
no, kids are worth more than all the money in the world :)
2008-01-12 10:25 pm
Somebody owes me five million dollars!!!!
2008-01-12 10:24 pm
maybe, it depends where the world is going with global warming and stuff. i would't want to bring kids in the world, only to have them live through worry. and then in that case i would take the money, and not have kids.

but if things are going well with the world, i wouldn't get sterilized and i would have kids.
2008-01-12 10:24 pm
sure, I don't want kids anyway, it would be a relief to know I couldn't.
2008-01-12 10:24 pm
I would never do this. I still want more children, and even if I didn't, this "deal" would feel sleazy and immoral to me.
2008-01-12 10:24 pm
no it does not,,, but there is always adoption i suppose.
being a parent of your OWN child is priceless.

- mother of 3 sons.
2008-01-12 10:24 pm
If i'm offered those 5 million dollars after I have kids then YES, but right now HELL NO!
2008-01-12 10:23 pm
***** YESSSS
I don't want kids anyway. Then I wouldn't have to ever worry about getting pregenant and I'd have $5 mil!!!
2008-01-12 10:22 pm
Simple......i would take the 5 mill and help children during my life.
2008-01-12 10:22 pm
no i really want more kids x
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
No because i actually want a family!
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
No way.. I dont need money to be happy.

i do want kids someday.
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
I would because you can still adopt kids.
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
five million actually isn't a lot in todays world. five million probably would last that long as kids would last a lifetime. so no i would not take 5 million
2008-01-12 10:20 pm
Yes. I have my reasons.
2008-01-12 10:20 pm
oh yeah.
2008-01-12 10:20 pm
Heck Yes.
2008-01-12 10:28 pm

besides, there's always adoption.
2008-01-12 10:28 pm
hmm idk im 16 and not even sure i want kids but i would probably take the money b/c it would be nice to not worry about getting pregnat when i didnt want to
2008-01-12 10:23 pm
Hellz yeah! **** kids, I don't want em! I learn from my parents.
2008-01-12 10:22 pm
I don't want children and I need money! It's a perfect offer for me... Not to mention all the care-free sex! (Obviously there's still AIDS and all that, but still).
In fact, I would do it for just 5 thousand.
2008-01-12 10:22 pm
ONLY $5 million?

The price would have to go WAY up for me to even considered giving up that ability forever.

Now, if it was $500 billion, then that's okay...
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
i would do it for free! :)
2008-01-12 10:21 pm


2008-01-12 10:21 pm
make it 5000 million, then i would do it! ^.^
2008-01-19 3:23 am
no i wouldn't because money can't buy happyness
2008-01-15 1:52 pm
Unfortunately I am not able to have any children and I am alrfeady doing that for free, so I would definately take the money!
2008-01-14 12:06 pm
2008-01-13 10:01 am
Definitely YES,
Have spawned enough, now I could use the money to escape.
2008-01-13 3:37 am
no i wouldnt.. i'm still not sure if i want children and I wouldn't take 5 million for that.. and trust me i've been called "the banker" all my life (very cheap with my money) but i wouldn't take it because im still unsure..
2008-01-12 11:12 pm
no......... i can easily earn my 5 million dolloars myself
2008-01-12 10:25 pm
I would certainly do it. I am 31 years old and do not have any children. There are, however, many children in the world who do need homes through adoption. With the $5mil I could certainly give a good life to my family, especially my adopted children. This does not, however, mean that I believe money can solve everybody's problems in life. Many times it makes things more complicated. But for those who are able to use it wisely, a lot of good can be accomplished.
2008-01-12 10:24 pm
I would and then just buy a bunch of kids like angelina jolie. With that much money you could buy a kid from every country. Then you could hold your own mock united nation conferences; that would be fun.

"The delegate from Chad would like to add his thoughts on tonight's dinner choices. Delegate, you have the floor."
2008-01-12 10:24 pm
Hmmmm....tempting offer since I already have three children. Still, you are proposing breaking up one of the greatest friendships I've ever experienced in life. I suppose so, but you'd want to pay me quickly before I changed my mind. (Lump sum, too...none of that "installments" crap!)
2008-01-12 10:23 pm
wow needs kids. you could buy a small village and have lots of kids. me on the other hand. i would take the millions.
2008-01-12 10:23 pm
Of course not....
2008-01-12 10:23 pm
i love kids, and this would be a really hard choice. but 5 million dollars is a lot to support yourself, and a lot more. i would definetly choose the money. but this would be after i've already had at least one kid of my own (can i do that? or is that not part of your ?) and than after that i'd just adopt. either way, i want to adopt when i'm older, so even if i can't have a kid before getting the money, i'd take the money so i could just adopt.
2008-01-12 10:23 pm
Yes. Of course. Have kids is terrible for you body. For women. Seachection cuts your adomal muscles. SO you are always fat. Also, normal streches everything. Strech marks.
2008-01-12 10:23 pm
If that had been the deal when I was younger, I would not have done it, because I really want children...but now that I am older and it looks like I probably won't have any anyway, sure, I would take the bucks!!!

I could do a lot with 5 million...including helping the children of the world who don't have a mother...
2008-01-12 10:23 pm
I wouldnt take the money because money doesnt bring pleasure!
2008-01-12 10:23 pm
damn that money would be useful, but i wouldnt take it b/c its my goal to have babies!!!
2008-01-12 10:23 pm
he*l yeah !!!
參考: but i do have kids already and would never give them up for that !! but i dont plan on having more so yeah i would do it:)
2008-01-12 10:22 pm
I would take the money and spend it on some cars!
Even if I did want children after I took the money I would get an orphan and get me self a lady!
2008-01-12 10:22 pm
Yes... even if i didnt have any kids id buy a couple of vagabonds from the hood or whatever you young people call it
2008-01-12 10:22 pm
I already have children so if someone wants to sterilize me and pay me in the process I say "BRING IT ON"!!!
2008-01-12 10:22 pm
Millions maybe billions of people would answer YES.

5 million you can spend
having kids puts you about that far in debt or you spend abt that much on them through your lifetime.
2008-01-12 10:22 pm
Yeah, sure... I just, like adobt kids, I guess....
2008-01-12 10:22 pm
With that money you could adopt a kid. 5 mil is soooooo worth it!!! :)
2008-01-12 10:22 pm
Definately. I am done having kids so why not.
2008-01-12 10:22 pm
well i have 4 kids already But say i did not have them at all and i was a young student or somthing, I think that at the time i would have But seeing my 4 kids i wouldn't do it.
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
adoption is always an option down the road.. and wont cost 5 mil lol
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
can i still get an erection
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
Since I have three already....bring it on! I can afford their college!!
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
I would cuz for one i dont want kids and second if i ever for some crazy reason changed my mind i could always get a pet or something ... so yea hand over the money lol
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
In a minute, yes, im pressed for cash right now, and with all the children who need homes, if i had the urge, I'd just adopt, was planning to in the future anyway
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
Maybe... I'd have to think about it!
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
2008-01-12 10:21 pm

2008-01-12 10:21 pm
I've already got two children, this would save on birth control - win-win situation...where do I sign up?
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
Ive had my child so yes i would !
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
yeah, sure.
2008-01-16 6:36 am
Heck yeah i would with five million i could buy a kid ( or at least adopt one)

lol tax free (yep first thing that came to my mind too)
2008-01-12 10:28 pm
yeah i would. i would just adopt children. i mean adopting is a wonderful thing anyways. i mean 5 million is a lot of money!
2008-01-12 10:22 pm
Hellz Yea Man U Talkin Bout 5 Mill Dammm I Do It 20 Timez If They Want.......Lolz
2008-01-12 10:22 pm
Yea I Would to because 5 million is alot and you can always adopt
2008-01-12 10:22 pm
I have been sterillized. Can I have my 5 million now.

I will take 2 because I have had 2 kids.
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
Absolutely. Kids are the most vulnerable thing in today's world.
2008-01-12 10:21 pm
I would
I could adopt kids after not been able to have any of my own
2008-01-12 10:23 pm
Easy! Yes yes and yes! You left me a loop hole Ill just have my semen frozen at a sperm bank incase I ever do decide I want kids and take your 5 mil thnx!
參考: I think I'll buy an endangerd animal and eat it! j/k

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