Do you think it's better to be talented or hardworking?

2008-01-12 11:27 am

回答 (16)

2008-01-12 11:32 am
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I think both is perfect.
If you think about it, a lazy yet talented person doesn't really make use of their talents. Which means their talents are useless.
While a hardworking person is working hard for something they want, which means that if they keep trying, they will succeed; even if they have no talent.
I come to the conclusion that being hardworking is better. Talent itself is overrated.
2008-01-12 7:30 pm
Being talented is good, you have gifts and can do things others can't.
Hardworking is better, because if you work hard you can gain talents, and you still work hard for other things
2008-01-12 7:29 pm
Talented, hard work doesn't always cut it.....I mean check out Hollywood......see what I mean..come all we are all hard working people....but talent makes money....Look at Kobey Bryant..Britney Spears...whinney celebs that don't work everyday for a living....please Talent is way better....I mean come on is Paris Hilton.....hardworking??? No, but she has a talent for being in the spot light!!!!
2008-01-12 7:32 pm
I would take extreme talent over diligence. Anything other than being truly "Gifted", I think diligence outweighs any moderate talent.
2008-01-12 7:30 pm
it's better to have it both, but for the sake of answering the question...

hardworking... talent is nothing if nothing is exerted into a job/task...
2008-01-12 7:31 pm
There are some very talented con-men out there in the world, and they con people out of their money so they don't have to be hard workers.

Sorry, I don't really know how to answer this question.

2008-01-12 7:35 pm
Hardworking - talent can be wasted
2008-01-13 5:59 am
Being talented. �
2008-01-12 7:33 pm
Hardworking. It does a person no good to be talented, and not want or be willing to work.
2008-01-12 7:31 pm
Hopefully you have both.
There are many talented people out there who never go anywhere and starve, but a hard worker can at least feed him/herself.

Hardworking any day....

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