急問!! 韓文翻譯中文, 交通問題, 謝謝!

2008-01-13 6:09 am
용평리조트는 평창군 대관령면에 있고,

시외버스터미널은 대관령면소재지인 횡계리에 있습니다.

횡계에 가면 용평리조트를 오가는 셔틀버스가 30분 간격으로 다닙니다.

따라서 춘천에서는 하루 2회 있는 강릉행 완통버스를 타고 가거나,

回答 (1)

2008-01-13 8:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
市外bus terminal所在地是大觀嶺橫溪里.
去橫溪 往龍坪Resort 可以搭 30分鐘1班的shuttle bus.
所以, 在春川可以搭 每日有兩班的江陵行緩通巴士前往
Summary of the translation: From 春川, you have to take a 江陵行 bus to 橫溪 and then from 橫溪 you have to take a shuttle bus up 龍坪Resort.

l dont know whether you have been to 春川. The 春川 city bus terminal, 春川 railway station and 春川 city are not in the same spot. If you stay a night in 春川, you may have to walk somewhat 15 minutes from the city to the bus terminal (if you know the way) or you better take a taxi.

If you do not speak Korean, you may have difficulties in traveling and transferring by bus. It may take time for you to find your way and take the correct bus. You may not know where to get off the bus or where to take the shuttlebus to 龍坪Resort. And the whole journey takes 2~3hours.

Therefore l think you better start your trip from Seoul (after your trip to 春川, you just go back to Seoul). It is much easier.
This is the transport information of 龍坪Resort in English :

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