Empirical formula

2008-01-13 2:46 am
A 0.100 g sample of an alcohol, known to contain only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, was burned completely in oxygen to form the products CO2 and H2O. These products were trapped separately and weighted; 0.1910 g CO2 and 0.1172 g H2O were found. What is the empirical formula of the compound ?
(ans. C2H6O)
I just need the steps and little explanations

回答 (2)

2008-01-13 10:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are two methods to solve this problem

Relative atomic mass (H=1, C=12, O=16)
First method,
No. of mole of CO2 produced is 0.1910g/(12+16*2)=0.00434 mole
No. of mole of H2O produced is 0.1172g/(1*2+16)=0.00651 mole
No. of mole of O2 used up is (0.1910g+0.1172g-0.100g)/(16*2)=0.00651 mole
So, the mole ratio of carbon dixode(x) : water(y/2) : oxygen(x+y/4-z/2) is
~ 3 : 3 : 2 respectively
So,x = 2,
y/2 = 3
y = 6
x+y/4 -z/2 = 3
2 + 6/4 -z/2 = 3
z = 1
So, the empirical formula is C2H6O

Second method,
Mass of carbon in CO2 is 0.1910g*(12/(12+16*2))=0.0521g
So, mass of carbon in alcohol is 0.0521g
Mass of hydrogen in H2O is 0.1172g*(1*2/(1*2+16))=0.0130g
So, mass of hydrogen in alcohol is 0.0130g
Mass of oxygen in alcohol is 0.100g-0.0521g-0.0130g=0.0349g
No. of mole of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen is
0.0434,0.0130,0.00218 respectively
So, the mole ratio of carbon : hydrogen : oxygen is
So, the empirical formula is C2H6O
2008-01-13 4:23 am
CxHyOz + (x+y/4-z/2)O2-->xCO2 + (y/2)H2O
No. of mole of CO2 produced = 0.1910 / (12+16x2) = 0.00434 mole
No. of mole of H2O produced = 0.1172 / (1x2 + 16) = 0.00651 mole
No. of mole of O2 used up = (0.1910 + 0.1172 - 0.100) / (16x2) = 0.00651 mole
mole ratio ( oxygen : water : carbon dixode) ~ 3 : 3 : 2
From the mole ratio,
x = 2,
y/2 = 3 => y = 6
x+y/4 -z/2 = 3
2 + 6/4 -z/2 = 3
0.5 = z/2
z = 1
The empirical formula: C2H6O

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