
2008-01-12 9:24 pm
The magnitude of the resultant force of a 3-N force and a 4-N force cannot be
A. 0N
B. 1N
C. 4N
D. 7N

please also explain why

回答 (2)

2008-01-12 10:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你有冇check 吓條問題呀?
有兩個ans wor
一係A. 0N,一係C. 4N
3N同4N 有3個情況ge
1)7N (maximum value when 3+4 are in the same direction ) 意思係3N向左,4N再向左,咁就有7N
2)1N OR -1N (minimum value when 3+4 are in the opposite direction)意思係3N向左,4N向右, 咁相差會有1N ge (-1N 係depends on 你個方向)
3)5N (when 3+4are at right angle)意思係畢氏定理咁,長4N(3N) 同高係3N(4N),咁個斜邊係5N lo

so A.0N 同C.4N 都係ANS= =
參考: phy. book
2008-01-13 10:45 pm
The answer is A.
B is wrong because resultant force is 1 N when they are anti- parallel.
C is wrong because resultant force can be 4 N when this three forces
forms a isosceles triangle (等腰三角形) where 4-N force and
the resultant force are the isosceles side.
D is wrong because resultant force is 7 N when they are parallel and in
same direction.

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