Can dogs eat grapes ?

2008-01-12 9:15 pm
Can dogs eat grapes ?

You can answer in english .


回答 (3)

2008-01-13 2:18 am
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葡萄和葡萄乾可以來自各種各樣的來源。當狗狗吃了萄葡或葡萄乾 24 小時之後,便開始會有了胃腸不適的症狀,包括嘔吐和腹瀉。跟著,便會有腎毒性 (腎衰竭)。

Grapes and raisins can be toxic to dogs when ingested in large quantities.

The grapes and raisins came from varied sources, including being eaten off the vine directly. The dogs exhibited gastrointestinal signs including vomiting and diarrhea and then signs of kidney failure with an onset of severe kidney signs starting about 24 hours after ingestion of the grapes or raisins.

The amount of grapes eaten varied between 9oz. and 2 lbs., which worked out to be between 0.41 and 1.1 oz/kg of body weight. Two dogs died directly from the toxicity, three were euthanized due to poor response to treatment and five dogs lived.

Due to the severity of the signs and the potential for death, the veterinarians as the poison control center advocate aggressive treatment for any dogs suggested of ingesting excessive amounts of grapes or raisins, including inducing vomiting, stomach lavage (stomach pumping) and administration of activated charcoal, followed by intravenous fluid therapy for at least 48 hours or as indicated based on the results of blood tests for kidney damage.

2008-01-12 9:35 pm

2008-01-12 9:22 pm
No, dogs cannot eat grapes because grapes are too sweet for dogs. Dogs cannot eat food which are too sweet or too salty.

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