CPU 散熱問題

2008-01-12 6:34 pm
我想買 AMD Athlon X2 4800 + ,

根據資料它是65W 同普遍的 Intel CPU 一樣 ,

如果正常在室溫使用並且不超頻的話, 如果不使用根那CPU的風扇,是不是會燒的呢 ?

因我自己用Intel.CPU的電腦.由從前的Pentium III 到現在的 Core 2 Duo 都是60幾watt , 長開都不駁Fan, 但 AMD 我很久沒有使用的經驗...

我打算把主板放在卓上, 所以機箱都可免了..


回答 (3)

2008-01-12 7:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As far as i know AMD processors are generally cooler
than intel processors, but i am sure that u need a heatsink
with running fan equipped for CPUs released in these few years
in order to ensure the long life of it.

I have tried running a E4500 M0 stepping CPU w/out a fan,
the temp can rise up to 70 C under full load, and I don't think
this is a good move to the CPU itself.

you can try underclock your CPU and lower the Vcore of the CPU,
these action can significantly lower the temp of cpu but also the

I ran the E4500 CPU with a few coins as a heatsink when i underclock
it to 1.2Ghz and 0.9 Vcore.
2008-01-12 9:07 pm
2008-01-12 6:46 pm
AMD Athlon X2出名係熱伽啦

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