Would you rather have kids or pets?

2008-01-11 9:51 am
I rather have nice dogs than kids.

回答 (41)

2008-01-11 9:56 am
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love my dogs but all i want is a little boy with his moms eyes
2008-01-11 9:58 am
Right now pets, in the future kid's... ;0)
2008-01-11 10:01 am
my cat was so easy to raise. and hes so good. he doesnt ever yell or scream or throw fits! well ok he throws fits when hes hungry but thats easy to fix! i dont have to worry about him sneaking out, hes never even been outside, he sits on his little pillow like a king all day long...sometimes he does try to jump ontop the frige and eat the parakeet, but the water bottle sprayer does the trick.. im assuming kids arent this easy lol
2008-01-11 10:02 am
I have two kids and as well as a cat and two birds.
Kids are cool and pets are too. When you are
a parent there's no turning back. If I could start again,
of course I'd pick my kids.
2008-01-11 10:07 am
an angelic smile from a 3-month old child CANNOT be duplicated by any animal our planet has produced for eons!...a coo of a babe CANNOT be matched by a meow of any cat, or a bark of your dog , or a chirp of my bird...and the most beautiful word most babes in this world usually first utter--MAMA--is the sweetest of all sounds a mother can hear which NO puppy can do....but i love animals to have a place in my house ONLY...
2008-01-11 10:04 am
2008-01-11 6:36 pm
Pets right now. An saying that I've heard is if you think your ready for a kid get a pet instead. Kids are far more of a responsibility and thus have a pet will aleast give you a frame of reference.
2008-01-11 2:33 pm
I would choice pets first and then kids
2008-01-11 1:11 pm
Dogs life is about 17 years. Make sure to cry many times over your life times. Good Luck!
2008-01-11 11:07 am
I really have to have both. As pets and children have been a really big part of my life now for a long time. I have 4 boys all under 12. Also have 4 cats. They go purrfectly together.

Children have special relationships with their pets. We all need a little unconditional love, and this is often seldom offered to children, apart from their parents. But most of all cats and dogs offer this unconditionally. This makes a child feel secure in the pet's love, and adults too. No matter how bad the day, or how low the grade, or how bad the table manners, a four legged friend loves you all the same. He be grounded with you, and he won't mind at all, because you, and your children are with him.
2008-01-11 10:24 am
Having brought up 4 children I can say with absolute certainty that dogs are much, much easier ... and cheaper ... and they don't answer back (much!) On the other hand my kids didn't cr*p in the garden!!

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