
2008-01-12 1:54 am

回答 (2)

2008-01-12 2:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am ___________,I am Primary____,I goto school by_________.I am good at

sports.WhenPE lessons,I am very happy about that.If I have times,I go to swimming

pool to swim or go to playgrand to run too.At home,I have a pet -----Jack.He is a

cat.When I go homr,he is very happy to see me.He is very cute,I like it very much.I

have a good friend_______,she/he is Primary______,too.When I can't do the

homework,she/he will teach me. Thank you.
參考: me
2008-01-12 2:19 am
My name is _________.I am______years old.I am a _____________________I live in ___________________.My school is in ________________.I like doing __________________.My favourite food is ____________.My favourite game is ______________________.


2008-01-11 18:20:19 補充:

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