
2008-01-12 1:51 am
我有件貨寄去希臘,重量約有29kg,但郵局不能寄,可以怎麼辦?價錢不要太貴,要door to door,請好心人賜教!

回答 (1)

2008-01-12 7:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
if u by air freigh, u can choose fedex, TNT or TNT agent (Spring) , this must cheaper tah DHL, and you can packed the size as smaller as u can, cause they are based on the measurement to charge, and u can call fedex account respensentive , open an monthly account, request them to quote the best price to u,

Fedex : 27303333 www.fedex.com.hk

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