(10分)想學歐洲語言,學那種最好? for 工作備用

2008-01-11 12:01 pm
想學歐洲語言,學那種最好? for 工作備用,因工作上不時會遇上歐洲人(但沒定是那國的歐洲人),故想有多一種語言旁身,可以同佢地用佢地的語言溝通。

但我還未選定學那一種歐洲語言,我看過很多在知識+內的朋友經驗,都是圍繞著說 意大利文,法文和西班牙文。


1) 那一個最最最最最最最最最最最最最易學最易上手?? (最易學最易上手是想可以在最最最最最最最最短時間內可用該語言和人溝通,而不是發音的問題)

2) 那一個是最最最最最最最最最最最最有機會在香港用到??

3) 工聯會真係勁平,去個到學OK嗎? 還是去SPACE學好D (我見都有人話個到好但要成 2-3千蚊)? or 有那裡好推介?

感激幫忙, plz help help me. thank you very much

回答 (3)

2008-01-11 1:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To be honest with you, out of the three languages you have given, Spanish is the most useful one in terms of commerical, due to the fact that other than in Spain, you could also use Spanish in almost anywhere in South America, so it is hugely useful. In terms of easiness, it is about the same as Italian, but not as widely used. It is certainly easier than French, in terms of grammar. I don't know about 工聯會 because I haven't had the experience.
參考: Personal experience
2008-01-17 3:02 am

2..在香港...我覺得係spanish,,因為d europeans除左english之外,最多人講o既就係西班牙文了

參考: 自己+個人經驗
2008-01-11 2:48 pm
There is no easy way to learn foreign language. How clever you are ? stupid , then take ages to master a language. If you are intelligent, piece of cake.

In South America, You can speak in Dutch when you are in Sorinam, Portugess in Brazil, I don't think Spanish is the top one.

In fact, nowadays, the European continent becomes Euro-zoned, the former Eastern European countries such as Poland, Burgaria some former USSR countries, Hungaria ae members of EU. How can they communicate in ? English in the UK, French in France , German in Germany, Dutch in Netherland. If you are going to Spain, then pick up Spanish. If you are in Belgium, learn French or English. If you are in France, have to pick up French.
I wish this can provide some hints.

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