(20分點) Plasma 有 D-sub電腦輸入 插口就一定能直插電腦用嗎?

2008-01-11 9:23 am
^_^ 請問
Plasma 有 D-sub電腦輸入 插口就一定能直插電腦用嗎?
用 Plasma 代替 普通LCD Monitor , 有沒有些什麼要特別注意的呢?
想用 Plasma 睇電腦係因為想睇清楚d迫真d , 我好少玩game , 好多時會睇 youtube電視片 ,
這樣用法好嗎? 有無好提議呢?

回答 (2)

2008-01-11 4:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
yes, D-sub is acceptable.

but if for buying a new monitor, don't buy Plasma. the power consumption is much much higher than LCD.

besides, some new computers have HDMI output (e.g. Asus M2A). better to buy those monitors with HDMI.

there's some network video box (you may check check Haupauge, Avermedia, etc.) that support Wifi. video can be streamed from your desktop computers to the video box that outputs to plasma/LCD TV so you don't need to move your computer to connect to TV directly.
2008-01-11 8:08 pm
Plasma 冇LCD Monitor 咁清

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