
2008-01-11 6:24 am

1.Recently,i perceive michael is a cunning person.

2.Hong Kong Government perceives that "drug" this problem is getting worse in the society.

3.Peter has built too much self-esteem,it is outplace the general standard.It become a self-center.

4.Peter has broken with his girlfriend.He injured her girl-friend very deep.

5.I will regain the top academic results while i do a lot of revision everyday.

回答 (3)

2008-01-11 8:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Recently, i PERCEIVED Michael as a cunning person.

2.Hong Kong Government perceives that the "drug problem is getting worse in the society.

3.Peter has built too much self-esteem, it SEEMS out OF place in the general standards. (Or, it seems out of place according to the public standards). HE becomes a self-CENTERED person.

4.Peter has broken UP with his girlfriend. He HURT her girlfriend very deeply.

5.I will regain the top academic STATUS while i do a lot of revisionS everyday.


- the word recently indicates past-tense, meaning something had happened lately, it is not present anymore, it already happened, therefore you will use Perceived instead of perceive. When you perceive someone, you always use the word 'As'.

- you can use out of place, but not out place in that sentence. He becomes mean he already is, so it has to be past-tense, meaning the word self-center, you would have to add 'ed'. When we talk about self-centered, it is always something that you already see, someone turned this way, so it will always be past-tense, and you would always have to add 'ed'.

- broken up, not broken, it is not bones. Also, you don't use the word injured, injured is a word to describe someone or something is hurt in a physical way, unless Peter physically abused his ex-gf, you do not use injured, you can use the word hurt, meaning that break up hurt her feelings. To clear confusion, you can add hurt her feelings. So your audience will know, it is not physical.

- revision should be plural because there's a lot' of them. hope that helps.
參考: myself
2008-01-26 6:37 am
Very good !
2008-01-11 8:55 am
1. Recently,i have perceived that Michael is a cunning person. (因為recently, 最好用present perfect tense)

2. The Hong Kong government perceives that "drug"; this problem is getting worse in the society. (Hong Kong 唔駛加the, 但因為係Government, 所以要加)

3.Peter has built up too much self-esteem that he becomes self-centered (adj.).
(你可唔可以話我知乜係"outplace"...... = =, 用了too much 已經得la)

4.Peter and his girlfriend have seperated because he injured her feelings deeply.

5.I would like to regain the top academic result that i do a lot of revision every day.
(result is uncountable)


我會咁寫: (推介指數, 最高***** )
1. Recently, I have perceived how cunning Michael is. ****

2. The Hong Kong government perceives different strains of illegal drugs these days which cause to an evil society. (**, 因為我只係估計你寫緊乜only)

3. Peter has built up too much self-esteem which drives him self-centered.***
(OR, Self-reliant as Peter is, hardly will he cooperate with others *****
Peter is independent, he will not cooperate with others.**)

4. Peter and his girlfriend have seperated. As such, he injured her feelings enormously.****

5. Hoping to regain the top academic result, I start to do a wealth of revision every day.*****

2008-01-11 01:11:05 補充:
Using "Injured (her) feeling" is the way to get a higher grade, it isn't wrong at all.Under no circumstances do we use " revisions" because this word, revision, is uncountable.- Consulted from a renowned English dictionary.

2008-01-11 01:16:17 補充:
every day = noun (adverb) 副詞everyday = adjective 形容詞

2008-01-11 01:19:19 補充:
result 都係uncountablei hope you can find it useful ^.^
參考: My linguistic knowledge learnt from tutorial courses.

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