想問寫Cathay Pacific既Industry Analysis應該點寫

2008-01-11 6:14 am
Cathay Pacific既Industry Analysis應該點寫

其實個contents係咁既: 1. Executive Summary 2. Introduction 3. Industry Analysis 4. Competitor Analysis 5. SWOT Analysis 6. Improvement Plan 7. Implementation 8. Management Review 9. Conclusion 我而家只有1,3,4未寫, 寫寫下有點混亂, 希望幫幫手! Tks.

回答 (1)

2008-01-11 7:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. introduction
2. background
3. literature review
呢個睇下你做得幾認真,如果唔係final year嘅就唔好晒時間,如果係,你就寫d 出名d嘅marketing research啲料
4(option 1). swot
呢個喺我個人偏好,做marketing我鐘意用swot analysis去睇下佢嘅好壞,加埋佢嘅competitior嚟比較,我會揀singapore airline (個人喜好)
4.(option 2) research method and data analysis and result (可細分兩、三part)
5. conclusion
資料方面,主要都係cathay、機管局同埋係網search下,有好多marketing research,cathay通常都係最佳airline頭幾位,可以quote呢d資料
6. recommendations
比d建議方案, 例如在market investment, cost-effective方面的
Strength: -strong financial backup
- Long history of establishment
-Good market share in the international market
- large pool of well trainned of labour force
- relatively good reputations ( always be the best airlines recent years)
- Become more strong and extensive company size after take over of the dragon air
- Obtained numerous worldwide routes

Weakeness: -Limit of its business in European countries & USA
- Decreasing of service qualities and occasion labour riots

Opportunties: - Stable economic growth --increase the needs of overseas trip( Holiday / business) via plane
- Relaxation of Chinese policy in outbound tour and thus more chinese people go for a outbound trip via plane
- People are looking for luxury flight experiences

Theats: - direct competitions from other new launched airlines such as (Oasis, Orinteal, Virgin blue)
- Not all ports in China are open for Cathay to land
- hight cost of petroleum
- increase cost of airport tax in some airports increase the pressure of adding price
- Terriost attacks embarked
參考: myself

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