
2008-01-11 5:09 am


回答 (2)

2008-01-16 8:42 am
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While Ben is presenting new information about John Wilkes Booth and the 18 pages missing from Booth's diary, one man stands up and presents a missing page of John Wilkes Booth's diary. Thomas Gates, Ben's great-grandfather, is mentioned in the page. It shows that Ben's great-grandfather could have been involved with Abraham Lincoln's murder. When doing more research, the conspiracy takes Ben, Abigail, and Riley to Buckingham Palace (which they break into). It takes them to a book in the White House (which they break into also) and they even steal a page from the book. But in order to see more from the book, their choice is either get elected president or kidnap the President of the United States. Which do they choose? It's obvious. The conspiracy then crosses to Mount Rushmore and they even mention the JFK conspiracy. Can Ben clear his family's name? Or will his family be linked to the murder of Abraham Lincoln?

Nicolas Cage ... Ben Gates

Justin Bartha... Riley Poole

Diane Kruger... Abigail Chase

Jon Voight... Patrick Gates

Helen Mirren... Emily Appleton

Ed Harris... Mitch Wilkinson
2008-01-11 5:16 am

主演: 尼古拉斯基治(Nicholas Cage), 戴安古嘉(Diane Kruger), 海倫美雲(Helen Mirren), 艾哈利斯(Ed Harris)


當年行弒林肯總統刺客的筆記忽然出現,直指尋寶探險家加畢尼(尼古拉斯基治 飾)的高祖父為關鍵策劃人,令加畢尼一家蒙上史上最大惡名!為洗雪不白之冤,加畢尼展開環球追查,穿梭英、法、美,發現事件不但隱藏驚天陰謀,更牽涉史上最龐大寶藏。當中一切關鍵資料,全部紀錄在「總統秘冊」。「總統秘冊」記載全球驚世秘密,只有歷代總統才能過目。為了一窺秘冊內容,加畢尼不惜綁架總統,並引發連串跨國罪行,驚動全球諜報機關,成為各國特工頭號目標。加畢尼最後如何衝破特工精英的天羅地網,智破世紀懸謎,以挽回家族聲譽及掘出驚世寶藏?
參考: me

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