
2008-01-11 4:41 am
幾時用present perfect tense
幾時用paat simple tense
幾時用past perfect tense??????????



回答 (3)

2008-01-11 5:44 am
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Present Perfect Tense
I have done my homework already. 我剛剛做完功課。
She has just come. 她剛回來。
He has learnt French for two years.他已經經學了兩年法文。(他兩年前開始學法文,直至現在還在繼續學。
They have lived here since 2000. 自從2000年他們便住在這裡。(他們自從2000年便住在這裡,現在仍然住緊。)

Past Perfect Tense
She had gone when he arrived. 她已經去了?當他到達時。(她走了這個動作已完成了,而上述動作是在他到達前完成的。
After he had locked the door, he went to sleep. 他鎖門後,便去睡覺。(鎖門的動作完成了,那是在睡覺前完成的。)

Simple Past Tense
Yesterday, they came to my house. 昨天,他到我的家裡來。(動作已於昨天完成了,沒有延續。)
Last year, he went to swim every morning. 去年,他每天都去游泳。(去游泳這動作完全完結了。)


2008-01-11 07:59:02 補充:
Present Perfect Tense句式--has/have past perfectI, We, You, They, ...and..., children 用haveHe, She, It, a child 用has常用字:just, just now, already, since, for, before, after, recently, yet

2008-01-11 08:05:30 補充:
yet / before的用法:Has May given you the money yet ?No, she has given me the money yet.Have you ever seen such a beautiful scene before ?No, I have not such a beautiful scene before.

2008-01-11 08:25:31 補充:
Past Perfect Tense句式--had past prfect, 常用字:After, before, when, by例:After Billy had taken an umbrella, he left the room.Befor Sally entered the church, she had taken off her shoes.Had the patient died when the doctor came ?By the time he arrived, the train had left the station.

2008-01-11 08:32:39 補充:
Simple Past Tense常用字:yesterday, ago, last..., the night before, Once, Once upon a time, in 1941否定句及問句要加助動詞did

2008-01-11 08:38:02 補充:
例:Did she go out an hour ago ?短答:Yes, she did. / No, she did not.長答:Yes, she went out an hour ago. / No, she did not go out an hour ago.
2008-01-11 4:58 am
present perfect VS past simple
present perfect--- 指啱啱做完, 或前排做完, 但句子入面無明確顯示時間,
如yesterday, last week咁, e.g. I have finished my homework.
呢一句, 無講幾時finish o既, 但總之已經finish咗, 所以用present perfect.
e.g. I have studied in this school since 2005. 呢句都用present perfect,
因為以前做緊o既嘢, 而家仲做緊(表示持續, 未斷) (以前05年開始讀,
至於past tense, 非常咁簡單, 你可以放心。你只要知道句子係講過去o既
嘢就用past, 提示字有yesterday, last week, last year, on Friday, etc.

present perfect / past perfect
past perfect同present perfect容易混淆, 但其實只要記住past perfect係past,
就唔會記錯。past pefect tense同present perfect 一樣(功能), 只係已經過咗去,
例如講故事o既時候就會用。 e.g. (story) Lily had finished her homework.

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