Romeo and Juliet 問題:點解你鐘意Juliet 60-150字

2008-01-11 3:21 am
其實我鐘意Juliet 不過唔識去寫,所以請閣下幫忙,謝謝

回答 (2)

2008-01-14 10:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
* 已經最簡單, 希望可以幫倒你

In Shakespeare's work of Romeo & Juliet, my favorite character is Juliet.

Although she was a very young character, yet, she was very determined and decided to love Romeo no matter what happens. She was a very strong character that had courage, bravery with a strong-minded thinking. Juliet did not fear or care about the consequences, she went with her heart and decided that Romeo was the one for her even though she knew she was not supposed to have any relations with Romeo's family or friends.

Juliet was dead at the end but she was a great character to learn from about courage, bravey and undetermined mind. A very strong young woman.
參考: myself
2008-01-11 5:59 pm
I like Juliet because she dares to love Romeo, the son of her family enemy, at first sight.
She simply does not care her life just because she thinks love is the most important thing in her life and that is why she dies for her love when she gets the death news of Romeo. In fact, she is the victim of her family feud.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 22:52:01
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