is 有關starch既問題

2008-01-11 3:12 am
The diagram below shows 2 test tubes. They have been placed under light for some time.
第一個test tube , 係包住錫紙 , 有一塊樹葉
第2個係 冇包錫紙,有塊樹葉
問題係.. if the leaves in (1) and (2) are taken for an iodine test , what will be the colour changes ? 好簡單 照理係 (1) 冇starch , 因為冇光比佢做photosynthesis呀ma , 應該係brown . 同樣..(2) 有做photosynthesis , 所以變dark blue
但係..佢冇指明佢有冇做destarching .. 同埋條題目話"under light for some time"
some time 係幾耐冇人知, d樹葉又唔知肯唔肯定用得晒d starch 所以我寫左兩個都變dark blue -_-我想問我既答案合唔合理?唔該晒大家!

回答 (1)

2008-01-11 3:43 am
✔ 最佳答案

題中說iodine test,正常來說此test內已經有做了destarching的工作。

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