Accounting treatment for investment on mutual fund

2008-01-10 8:35 pm
How is the accounting treatment for mutual fund which are hold by a company, please advise! thanks a lot!!!

回答 (1)

2008-01-11 8:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Please think about the purpose of mutual fund. if you bought it for investment, you record in the cataloge of investment - bal sheet.
If not, you cosider to hold it for a long time, i.e. over a year, you record in the cataloge of FIXED ASSET
you can ask for your auditor because you need to pay audit fee to him / her. Also, if you make any wrong enteries, he/she need to take a time fo find out the problem and then make an necessary audit adjustment. So, I think that he/ she is willing to answer any questions related to your companies.

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