CONFUCED with geog .mc ~Can anyone help me?

2008-01-10 7:32 pm
What are the charatericstics of a river with high energy?
(1)large amount of discharge
(2)steep slope
(3)deep and wide channel
(4)smooth reiver channel

A(1)and (2) only
C(2),(3),(4) only
D.All of the above

which of the following are hazard caused by TECTONIC MOVEMENT?
(2) Earthquake
(4)Volcanic eruption
A. (1)and (2)only
B(1) (3) (4)
C (2) (3) (4)
D (1) (2) (3) (4)

回答 (2)

2008-01-11 6:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
What are the charatericstics of a river with high energy?
(1)large amount of discharge
(2)steep slope
(3)deep and wide channel
(4)smooth reiver channel
一條河有high energy,即d河水會run得好湍急,
(1) 係啱ge,因為水越多流動越急,energy會高d
(2) 亦啱,slope ge斜度與velocity同energy成正比
(3) 啱的,雖然又深又闊的河道會增加wetted perimeter,越長的wetted perimeter 會增加水接觸rough surface的機會,會減低velocity..
(4) 啱,平滑河道即唔會有obstacle 減緩水ge流動啦,velocity自然快,energy高d~
所以答案係 D (1, 2, 3, 4)~

which of the following are hazard caused by TECTONIC MOVEMENT?
(2) Earthquake
(4)Volcanic eruption
A. (1)and (2)only
B(1) (3) (4)
C (2) (3) (4)
D (1) (2) (3) (4)
(1) 海嘯 (Tsunami) 係因為海洋板塊(oceanic plate)的撞擊 (destructive plate boundary → convergent of two plates)或平行(conservative plate boundary → two plates slide laterally along each other)而產生的,而呢d就係techtonic movement,呢d techtonic movement因為tension 會build up,當一釋放就會引起海水激湧,引起tsunami
(2) 地震會因上述同樣原因而出現,就響tension release果一刻會有地震
(3) landslide有可能因techtonic movement而另weathered and eroded rocks移位及更鬆動,所以都可以話間接因techtonic movement引起的
(4) 參考書話“magma from mantle may rise through lines of weakness due to the release of pressure”,而呢個release of pressure係因為techtonic movement 時 ge tension built up.. ,所以都係關事
全部對啦~ D (1, 2, 3, 4)啊

如有Geog 疑問歡迎與小妹討論~ 按入小妹檔案找email / msn
參考: 小妹多年學習所得的地理知識~
2008-01-11 12:40 am
What are the charatericstics of a river with high energy?
(1)large amount of discharge
(2)steep slope
(3)deep and wide channel
(4)smooth river channel

D.All of the above

which of the following are hazard caused by TECTONIC MOVEMENT?
(2) Earthquake
(4)Volcanic eruption

D (1) (2) (3) (4)
參考: on my own =]

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