✔ 最佳答案
競價限價盤( 開市前) =9:30-9:50 am
SAME AS拍賣的方式,搵個合理的開市價FOR MARKET
方式是像demand supply找個中間數, 當買家set競價限價盤的買盤(different price),沽家又set競價限價盤的沽盤at different price, 在9:50am就會對盤, 兩方面的買賣盤來計出一個中間平均數叫"參考平衡價格"及沽盤低於此中間數便可以進行交易,其他未能成交的買賣競價限價盤若價位相差不多就會在10:00am自動成限價盤.
市價盤 或 限價盤(開市後)=10:00am-12:30pm, 2:30pm-4:00pm
市價盤=無得set price, according to the market value on that time, buy & sell directly on that moment.
限價盤=you can set the purchase/selling price of the stock
Example: you can set to buy on $5.00, HSBC could automatically help you to buy at $5.00 when the stock price really drop to the $5.00 at your date limit, but you cannot process successfully if the stock only drop to $5.02 at your date limit