Casio 數碼相機 400萬像數,出現system error, 咁即係有無得整? 要幾多$?

2008-01-10 9:03 am
Casio 400萬像數相機, 出現了system error 字樣. 請問仲有無得救? 邊度有得整? 要幾多$?

回答 (3)

2008-01-10 6:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你可以找DC Fever 網站的 阮師傅 整,特設1 小時維修服務, 很多人找他的. 你可 call 佢格價, 電話: 9495 4694

高捷電業 地址 : 旺角西洋菜南街1A , 百利商業大廈 2210室(California Gym 樓上)

星期一至日 10:30am -8:00pm 年中無休, 免費檢查. 可即時電話報價. 更多有關資料 可去以下網站查看
2008-01-12 5:11 am
Try removing the battery from the camera for a period of time. If the camera has the option to let you do a hard reset then do it.
Put back the battery, power up the camera and see if the problem still persists.
If it is, then very likely something goes wrong with the camera's firmware (or whatever) and you'll have to bring back the camera to Jebsen to have it inspected and fixed.
2008-01-10 7:02 pm
你可以找特區數碼維修黃師傅 ,

你先致電查詢 黃師傅電話 2332 6051



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