英文小問題~ 急~!

2008-01-10 6:14 am
We have been waiting for you a few hours.
我想問 why 要加 ''been'' 同埋點用.幾時用
可唔可以舉多D example

回答 (3)

2008-01-11 5:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
這是present perfect continous tense
have / has + been + (verb)ing

當說及一些事件發生於以前,並繼續進行至現在,我們都可以使用 Present Perfect Tense 或 Present Perfect Continuous Tense
I have lived/have been living in this house for years/since 1992

Mr. Chan owns a garage. He has been repairing cars for a living since he left school.
Winkie has been writing letter all morning. So far she has written three letters.

You have been working hard recently. You should take care of your health.

(參考資料 http://www.crazyhill.com/hung/english/tense.htm)

present perfect tense 指直到目前為止,將來會否繼續? (不知道)
present perfect continous tense 指直到目前為止,將來會(強調)繼續

Who has been stealing his money?
若你非常確定有人會(一直)偷錢,否則最好用悉present perfect tense
Who (HAS STOLEN) his money?

2008-01-10 7:25 am
這是present perfect continous tense
某動作由過去某個時間持續了一段時間至今, 有可能仍未結束

Who has been stealing his money ?

He has been watering the plants.

但如果想講幾多次時, 是不能用這種時式
他來過兩次 He has come here twice
而不可以說He has been coming here twice
2008-01-10 6:22 am
這是present perfect continous tense
- have / has been being

I have been living Hong Kong since 1997.
We have been being friend for 10 years.

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