我想問on . in .at嫁中文解釋&用法(10分)

2008-01-10 1:52 am

回答 (1)

2008-01-10 3:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. On (在上面)
Put the books ON the table. 把書本放在桌上
He sits ON the floor. 他坐於地上

2. in (在裡面)
I live IN Kowloon City 我住九龍城.
The children play IN the park. 孩子們於公園內玩

3. at (於一點)
Paul goes to school AT 7:00am 保羅每天早上七時上學
Throw stones AT the dog. 向那隻狗投擲石塊

希望你明白 !

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