phy thx

2008-01-10 12:34 am
For an object travelling on a smooth plane, work done on the object by the reaction of
the plane is zero,
If the force acting on an object is perpendicular to the displacement, work done by the force is 0
Why ans is A?, firction 應該是opposite , 而不是 perpendicular吧?

回答 (1)

2008-01-10 1:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
題目中已提到 the plane is smooth 的, 所以就無 friction. 剩下的只有它的 normal reaction force on the object.
Since the object travels on the plane, its displacement direction is parallel to the plane and therefore the normal reaction force of the plane is perpendicular to the displacement. So work done = 0.
參考: My physics knowledge

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