
2008-01-10 12:22 am
現在做什麼外幣定期存款着數些呢 ??
澳元 ?? 紐元 ?? 做幾耐好 ??

回答 (2)

2008-01-12 6:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is speculated that both AUD and NZD will stay at their present levels until the end of this quarter (end of March 08), then they will fall gradually until the end of the year. So it would probably be alright to put some money in AUD or NZD one-month time deposit, then wait for the right time to switch it back to HKD before the end of the quarter. But right now the two currencies are at their recent highs, so I would wait till they drop a little. For AUD, I wouldn't risk it unless it falls to around AUD1=HKD6.80, which was the level a few days ago; and for NZD, I would wait for it to drop to somewhere around NZD1=HKD5.85, though the dollar has been doing well for the past two months and you may need to wait a little longer for that to happen.
2008-01-10 12:33 am

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