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Chocolate is a junk food however many people like it so much.
Eating chocolate is easy to make our tooth to be decayed. Moreover, we will easy to get fit if we always eat chocolate because of many sugar and higher fit. Nonetheless, people still like it, it is because it can prevent ageing.
Have you thing about why people have other point to support them to continuous to eat chocolate? One of the reasons is that chocolate can prevent people to ageing. Otherwise, eating edible chocolate can prevent cardiopathy. Furthermore, you will happy if you ate it.
2008-01-12 13:13:53 補充:
你有否想過其他人重有咩論點去支持佢地繼續食朱加力呢?其中一個原因係朱古力可以抗老化。另外,食適量嘅朱古力可以預防心贜病。而且,食左朱古力重借開心d tim.