Question Tag

2008-01-10 12:06 am
Your brother has a toothache,hasn't he?
Your brother has a toothache,doesm't he?


Janet has a brother,doesn't she?
Janet has a brother,hasn't she?


回答 (1)

2008-01-10 10:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
以上4句全部都正確, 只係英式英語同美式英語既分別

英式 :
Your brother has a toothache, hasnt he?
Janet has a brother, hasnt she?
美式 :
Your brother has a toothache, doesnt he?
Janet has a brother, doesnt she?

留意英式用Have/Has來發問, "你有沒有...?"
而美式, 係用 Do / Dose 來發問, "你有沒有...?"

例子 :
Have you ten dollars ? 英式
Do you have ten dollars ? 美式

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