關於goodwill問題!! [lcc lv2]

2008-01-09 11:01 pm
goodwill如果written off,咁就用新ratio
Dr.partners' capital a/c
Cr.goodwill a/c

咁我想問,如果唔written off,
係咪only goodwill bal c/d,b/d,之後就乜野都唔洗做?
如果要的話,咁我係revaluation a/c個到,profit on revaluation唔係已經分左goodwill比佢喇咩?

thanks x100000000000000000000000!!

回答 (1)

2008-01-10 3:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
咁我想問,如果唔written off,
係咪only goodwill bal c/d,b/d,之後就乜野都唔洗做?
No, in case the goodwill account has been opened and the these three conditions shown below occurs, you should Dr. Goodwill in old ratio Cr. Partners Capital.
Three Conditions:
Partners retire
Partners admission
Change of the Profit & loss ratio

Let's say Partner A,B,C share profit in 1: 1: 8, Goodwill C/D $1000 and A left.
Dr. Goodwill $1000
Cr. A:$100
B: $100
C: $800

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