
2008-01-09 7:10 am
我想問下幾時用過去式 幾時用過去完成式架?同埋passive verb 同active verb 既分別!thx!
many people were killed in the tsunami two years ago.

the project is so simple that it can be finished in a day .

my aunt's house was broken into this morning.

mr lam is very upset. his car was stolen last night.

the book was written in difficult english. i don't think you will understand it.

回答 (3)

2008-01-09 8:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.many people were killed in the tsunami two years ago.
.many people were killed by the tsunami two years ago.

2.the project is so simple that it can be finished in a day .
the project is so simple that I can finished in a day .功課唔會做主動的

3.my aunt's house was broken into this morning.

4.mr lam is very upset. his car was stolen last night.

5.the book was written in difficult english. i don't think you will understand it.
the book was written in difficult english. i think you don't understand. Grammar上係咁的!

6.this is a very modern building. it was complete two months ago .
this is a very modern building. it was completed two months ago .

7.the project should be hand in to the teacher today. i have bought a new pair of glasses. everything can be seen clearly.
the project should be hand into teacher today. i have bought a new pair of glasses. everything can see clearly. 你唔會話每一樣野被看清楚。因外國人唔會咁用,你咁用唔係唔啱,但會好怪low!

8.a lot of revision should be went during xmas holiday.

2008-01-09 00:15:32 補充:
for Q.7唔要should be個be。你中文都唔會話,"project要被交給老師!"for .2功課唔會主動=功課係死物。如冇會錯你意思,黃色個句再改成I can finish it in a day.就對了!
參考: 希望幫到你。
2008-01-18 6:00 am
This is a very modern building. It was completeD two months ago.

The project should be handED in to the teacher today.

Difference between active voice and passive voice.
Take this as an example:

Passive: Everything can be seen clearly.
Active: I can see everything clearly.

Kind of like the difference between 被動句 & 主動句。

In active voice, a person is necessary. In passive voice, a person isn't that necessary. If no person is given, you can use 'someone'. Here is another example:

Passive: The glasses were broken.
Active: The glasses broke. X WRONG X
The correct should be - Someone broke the glass.
2008-01-09 7:19 am
this is a very modern building. it was complete(d) two months ago .
the project should be hand(ed) in to the teacher today.
a lot of revision should be went(gone, 唔係went) during xmas holiday.

2008-01-11 01:38:26 補充:
a lot of revision should be went(gone, 唔係went) (through) during xmas holiday.

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