轉英文 thanks

2008-01-09 5:29 am
佢成功最重要既原因係佢既堅持 佢唔想為左自己自己有好結局而破壞人地既家庭快樂 所以決定選擇放棄黎份真愛. 轉英 thankssss

回答 (3)

2008-01-09 5:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
The most important reason of his sucess is his persist. He didn't want only for his good ending of love, and break other's family, so he decided to give up this true love.
2008-01-09 10:55 pm
The most important reason of his sucess is his persist.
He didn't want only for his good ending of love,
and break other's family,
so he decided to give up this true love.
參考: 我
2008-01-09 5:47 am
He was successful because of his persistence.

He would not like to destroy another family for his own goodness so he decided to give up that true love.

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