英文文法~Thank you=)

2008-01-09 4:53 am
我想問consider, considerate, considerable 三個字有無關係呢?

Considerably 同considerate 有無關係呢? considerably 好似是非常啊!

回答 (1)

2008-01-15 4:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
Consider, Considerate & Considerable 三個字可說是互不相關。
Consider (verb) 是 考慮、細想、斟酌、認為。Examples : A/ Your proposal will be carefully considered (我們會認真考慮你的建議);B/ He is considering what to do next (他正在考慮下一步怎樣做);C/ Take your time and consider all the details. We don't want to leave out anything (不要急, 仔細想想各細節, 我們不希望有任何遺漏);D/ To some people in Hong Kong, the pro-democracy camp is considered troublemakers (對一些香港人來說, 民主派陣營被認為是“攪事者”);E/ I consider it a great honour to be invited here to deliver the opening speech (我認為能獲邀到來致開場白是本人的榮幸)。
Considerate (adjective) 是體貼的、關心的、替他人著想的。Examples : A/ It was very considerate of you to turn the radio down when we went to bed last night (昨晚我們上床睡覺時你把收音機音量調低, 真是體貼關心);B/ Be considerate towards your neighbours; don't throw rubbish out of the window (要為鄰居著想, 不要把垃圾拋出窗外)。
Considerable (adjective) 是 相當大/多/重要的。Examples : A/ Don't beat around the bush; you have wasted a considerable amount of time (不要無矢放的了, 你已浪費大家相當多時間;B/ The damage of the flood was considerable (水災造成的破壞相當大)。

**不要當作這幾個字有關連, 運用起來便減少混淆的機會了。

2008-01-17 22:24:46 補充:
Considerably is an adverb (its adjective is Considerable). As seen from my answer above, Considerable (and so Considerably) is not related to Considerate, for they are very different in meaning.

2008-01-17 22:28:34 補充:
Considerably is used to describe an adjective. Example: This section of the exam paper is considerably important because it carries more marks than other sections.In this example, the word considerably describes the adjective important; it tells how important it is.

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