✔ 最佳答案
United Kingdom -- England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland
Great Britain -- England Scotland Wales
UK -- 大不列顛帝國
Britain -- 英國
England -- 英格蘭
Great Britain -- 大不列顛 = the Union of the Scottish 蘇格蘭 and English Crowns was one king but two kingdom. - Kingdom of England- (英格蘭王國) and Kingdom Of Scotland (蘇格蘭王國) by JamesVI King of Scotland who took over his royal power in Scotland at 1853. HE was DIRECTLY DESCENDED from Henry VII (founder of the Tudor dynasty) He was a Protestant and ascended to the English (英格蘭) Crown, known as James I (the Stuart or Stuart dynasty on the death of Elizabeth I (Queen of England) in 1603.They were 2 seperated kimgdoms until the Acts of Union 英格蘭 (England),+ 蘇格蘭 (Scotland) in 1707 formed Great Britain 大不列顛.
The formal name ( in short form ) of 英國 = UK (United Kingdom) -- 聯合王國.
目前的疆域包含了包含了英格蘭(England)、蘇格蘭Scotland)、威爾斯(Wales)和北愛爾蘭Northern Ireland) = .大不列顛與北愛爾蘭聯合王國. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Norhern Ireland.
Because in 1922年,愛爾蘭自由邦脫離了聯合王國,剩下北愛爾蘭還在聯合王國.
愛爾蘭(Ireland) was under the authority of King of England and Ireland since Henry VIII .
過有大約=百年的時間Great Britiain 還包含了所有的愛爾蘭 and formed 聯合王國United Kingdom。1800年的《聯合法案》將大不列顛島上的各個王國與愛爾蘭王國合併在一起,成為 United Kingdom of Great Britiain and Ireland --大不列顛與愛爾蘭聯合王國 ->包含了所有的愛爾蘭until 1922 independent of Eire-free Irish State) ,but NOT include Northern Ireland)
Since 1927, the full name of the United Kingdom (目前的聯合王國) is United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland -- 聯合王國今天的名稱大不列顛與北愛爾蘭聯合王國.
Hope I can help you to understand them ;)