
2008-01-09 3:28 am
問:Ben wants to eat his noodles but he has no chopsticks.
答:He cannot eat his noodles without chopsticks.

1.The children want to learn windsurfing but they have no coach.
2.Polly wants to bolw her nose but she has no tissues.
3.The firemen want to put out the fires but they have no water.
4.David wants to draw a picture but he has no colour pencils.
5.The Brownies want to light a fire but they have no mathes.

回答 (2)

2008-01-09 3:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
The children cannot learn windsurfing without a coah.

Polly cannot bolw her nose without tissues.

The firemen cannot put out the fires without water.

David cannot draw a picture without colour pencils.

The Brownies cannot light a fire without matches.
2008-01-09 3:36 am
1.They cannot learn windsurfing without coach.
2.She cannot bolw her without tissues.
3.He cannot put out the fires without water.
4.He cannot draw a picture without pencils.
5.They cannot light a fire without mathes.

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