
2008-01-09 3:19 am
A.Perry and his family are watching`Yoyo the dog`.What is the film about?Write about it using`each other`and the correct form of the verbs.

On the farm,there lives a kind family and a sheepdog called Yoyo.Jimmy is the son of the family.Jimmy and Yoyo__(play with)every day.

There is another sheepdog called Ricky.Yoyo and Ricky__(not like).When they meet,they__(look at).Sometimes,they even__(bark at).

回答 (2)

2008-01-10 1:02 am
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On the farm,there lives a kind family and a sheepdog called Yoyo.Jimmy is the son of the family.Jimmy and Yoyo* play with each other every day.

There is another sheepdog called Ricky.Yoyo and Ricky *don't like each other.When they meet,they look at each other.Sometimes,they even bark at each other.

One night,a wolf in the forest was hungry.He wanted to eat the sheeo.Yoyo ran to help Yoyo and the wolf *began fighting with each other. The wolf was strong. Ricky heard the noise and ran to help. Yoyo and Ricky *helped each other and scared the wolf off.

Now,Yoyo and Ricky *visit each other when they have time.They *become friendly with each other.

在一個農場,有一個好友善的家庭和牧羊犬yoyo. jimmy是兒子.他們每一天都一起玩。

又有一隻牧羊犬ricky.yoyo和Ricky *不喜歡對方.當他們碰面時,總是看著對方 ,有時候,他們甚至會對著對方大叫。

一天晚上,一隻狼在森林裡覺得好餓.他想吃羊.yoyo就保護羊群.yoyo和狼開始打架了。狼非常強勁。ricky聽到一些聲音就去幫助yoyo。yoyo和Ricky *一起把狼趕走了。

現在,yoyo和Ricky 互相探訪. 他們 *成為了好朋友。

100%正確, 因為我做過呢個ex.
參考: 自己
2008-01-09 3:33 am
1.play with each other.2.did not like.3.sorry, I don't know! I am so so so so so so sorry!

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