
2008-01-09 1:35 am
In this society, there is a taboo on any sort of public display of affection.
請問咩係"any sort of public display of affection"?


回答 (2)

2008-01-10 9:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Public Display of Affection (簡稱 PDA), 是在公眾地方/場合與情人表示親熱的行為﹐ 如拖手 (holding hands), 接吻 (kissing)﹐愛撫 (carassing)﹐ 甚至性交 (sexual intercourse)。
In this society, there is a taboo on any sort of public display of affection. (在這個社會﹐於公眾地方/場合和情人表現親熱的行為都視為一種忌諱/禁忌。)

2008-01-10 01:19:30 補充:
Error (忘記加"被" 字):In this society, there is a taboo on any sort of public display of affection. (在這個社會﹐於公眾地方/場合和情人表現親熱的行為都被視為一種忌諱/禁忌。)
參考: 美國碩士學生
2008-01-09 9:16 pm
"Public display of affection" is the show of love for someone in public. Examples of such actions are holding hands, kissing etc.

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