大板加東京自由行! Thanks

2008-01-08 10:24 pm
We 3 planning to Go to Tokyo 4 day and Osaka 1day!

東京 is okay for us but Osaka 就有d problem ar~~

1. How to get on the night time bus for tokyo新宿(Where) to Osaka 京都 or 清水寺 or 奈良 or道頓堀 or 心齋橋 (All place we want to go in one day )邊道落車好 AND 有冇可能去曬lei~ 點遍排好???(乘車方法 in details)
2 晚上~8:00pm走 (點走又平又快....回新宿 lei?????)

ps. Thanks a lof!! 如有特別東西請提醒.....塞車???

回答 (2)

2008-01-09 2:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
若果你己在東京shopping, 去大阪/京都就只有看大阪城或清水寺, 其實一天都不夠時問!
在大阪搭JR 去京都要一小時, 轉車去清水寺都要等半小時, 唔知可以点安排!

So, I suggest you stay in Tokyo if you only got one day to OSAKA or Kyoto! Better plan to those two cities with 奈良 or 神戶 for 4/5 days!

KANSAI 關西 是可以分開玩的!
2008-01-09 1:34 am
東京/京阪神間 夜行バス

座席・発着・代金など > 詳xxxxxxx (click it and will show the bus details times seat available)
23:30発 = 開車

7:15着 = 到達
click the time eg.7:15着it will show the bus stop map

Hope can help u.

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