Hong Kong School Music Festival - Violin Concerto

2008-01-08 9:33 pm
This is the first time my daughter enter the Hong Kong Music Festival, she need a piano accompanist to play the piano part for her in the violin concerto. Since she has not learned piano I don't know of any piano teacher at all. How should I find a piano teacher for her to play the piano part just for the competition? Are there any person specialized in playing the piano accompanist for student in the music festival?

回答 (1)

2008-01-11 12:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are no person specialized in playing the piano accompanist for student in the music festival.
I suggest you in a few ways.
(1) Find a schoolmate to be a accompany, you'd better find a school who have experience. this is also the cheapest way.
(2) Ask your violin teacher, music teachers know colleages as well.
(3)Go to wether a music centre or school scuh as Tom Lee or the one near your home.
They can provide their piano teachers.About 250 dollars for one time( include competition).They may no be professional.
(4) Professional teachers in APA. I am a student in APA so I know there are accompanists (I don't know wether they provide service to whom are not their students or need introduction of teachers. My teacher always introduce me a teacher but I don't accept, Too expensive, about 600 for half an hour.
(5) Ask your daughter's school music teacher but I don't know if she/he can help you.

I usually find my classmates who get G8 to be my accompany. I think this is the best way because:
(2)He /She is not busy at career, they usually can pratice more.
(3)He can pratice with your daughter all the time without charging you.

In competitions, you can find teachers isnt better than students(even worse) because they didnt COOPERATE. Cooperation is the most important in accompanishment rather than quality because this is not a piano solo. You must practise before competition and let the accompanist know your style and tempo so if you want to find a good teacher and want good cooperation, you have to spend a lot. Many people only let their children to practise once with accompanist so lack of cooperation can be seen.

This is what I think, you may not agree with me but cooperation is still most important.
參考: My compitition experience

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