phase and state

2008-01-08 9:20 pm
what is the differece between phase and state in science??
I really want to know...there is a bit difference but my teacher did not know....

我都知係狀態...但係有分別嫁.... 我指緊係science..... phys chem....一定有分別..... 無分別就唔會有兩個字啦....

回答 (2)

2008-01-08 9:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
phase同state都有同樣既意思 -- 狀態
但係science通常會用phase, 因為佢同時有階段既意思
至於state有好多解釋(狀態只係其中一個), 例如:國家,州,情況等
2008-01-16 5:40 am
You can say in Science World,
phase = period
state = performance

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