急! 有關 5-port Switch

2008-01-08 2:35 pm
我唔係用緊寬頻, and 我係同我roommate share 一個5-port switch, 但唔知點解, 次次兩個人同時一網, 佢個電腦就冇事, 但我個電腦成日都話"上網條線已拔除", 但幾秒後又冇野, 之不過用skype 真係好唔方便, 傾幾分鐘斷一次線......請問有冇高手幫幫我呀?

If residents wish to use two computers in their apartment at the same time, you will want to purchase a 5-port switch. You may purchase Ethernet cards and 5-port switches from computer stores or on the Internet. Please do not purchase a router in place of a 5-port switch.


Some retailers may try to sell you a router as a substitute but if you attempt to use one it will not be compatible with the BSU networking equipment and may not allow other residents in your community to access the Internet. 我想知道點解我同同房一齊用o既時候, 我個電腦會每幾分鐘斷一次線 (幾秒), 同埋我唔係用boardband

回答 (1)

2008-01-08 4:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
replace the 5-port switch with a broadband router (e.g. Linksys or PCi, about $200 only)

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