
2008-01-08 12:32 pm
本人想買一架車用黎去周圍地方做抹車打臘 ,同我一個朋友做,本來我是幫公司打工,最後因為公司對我地唔好先辭職(因為我同我朋友係聽障人士),而家我同我朋友想買架車自己做,但係我地對買二手車唔係咁熟...所以在此請問各位...

1)萬事得 / 豐田 / 本田 以上邊個省油? 如果係1996年以下/1500cc以下/棍波車 可以講出以上行一公里的價錢嗎?




回答 (2)

2008-01-08 8:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 二手車以豐田較實際,當然同時要考慮已行里數。電油車現在差不多要$1.5走一公里。可考慮買貨ven,車價貴些少,但使用柴油,應可以以$1.1走一公里,而且載工具亦較好。
2. 可試網絡上找。
2008-01-12 5:02 am
you can try to go to Dai Cheong second hands car centre to see the car. I think they do the after sale service is good. But the point is the price will be higher than others. you can go to the centre and ask the sales to show you and you just tell them what you want and the budget. Hope i can help you.
I think toyota AE100 is suitable for you.
參考: myself

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