about past tense

2008-01-08 8:12 am
i went out today??
or...i went out this morning會好d...
or i go out this morning?

回答 (5)

2008-01-08 8:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
"今日出左去", 就咁 "I went out today"就得喇.

就算係today, 但都有時間之差嘛, 總之past tense就係指"已經過左去既時間"時用既tense, 唔理佢係咪today既morning, afternoon, evening., etc, 總之當你講哩句野既時候, 已經係響你"出左去"之后先發生既, 就可以用past tense啦!

至於使唔使用this morning, 就視乎你想唔想強調地話比人知你係today入面邊一個時刻出左去喇. 否則,就咁today就可以架喇! 爽而精簡!

P.S. 唔會用I "GO" out this morning架, 因為你講緊哩包既時候, 睇怕都一定係做左"出去"哩個動作喇卦, 所以一定用past tense -- "went".
2008-01-10 5:19 am
past time 與present perfect tense 都係講過去發生的事生,分別在有無講明時間
I did my homework. (yesterday) - 講明時間
I have done my homework. - 無講明時間

I went out this morning or i go out this morning 由於(無過去式的)時間副詞 - 如yesterday, ago,所以無咁好
你最好用 I have gone out this morning.

helios06132 的 I went go today 2個verb錯
2008-01-08 9:17 am
you can use"i went out today" that's the right answer! it you want to get more about english......just send message to <<66776508>> and you can ask me when you have some things to ask
2008-01-08 8:39 am
i went out this morning會好d
2008-01-08 8:38 am
I went go today
I have gone out today
呢兩個都ok ,
反而出去呢件事真係發生左係過去 ,用present tense ,會冇咁好

2008-01-09 23:05:15 補充:
打錯左,應該係I went out today.

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