What is your estimate of the number of human souls currently in Heaven? How many are currently in Hell?

2008-01-07 8:12 pm
Every time a baby is born, a new soul is created out of nothing. According to Christian belief, over the many thousands of years that human beings had been in existence, some went to Heaven and some went to Hell upon death, depending upon whether they accepted Christ as their savior. How many human souls do you think are there now?

回答 (5)

2008-01-07 8:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i don't know, but why would we , i don't really have anyway of knowing that , and i just walk with the lord ,
2008-01-08 4:18 am
i have no idea how many people are in each. hopefully more are in heaven then in hell.
2008-01-08 4:21 am
not many in Heaven since they are reincarnated, no one in Hell since Jesus leaves no one to the devil!
2008-01-08 4:20 am
2008-01-08 4:18 am
6 billion,

that's the estimated number of dead people, as many as are currently alive on the planet now. human population is growing exponentially, like bacteria.

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