Quick!! Translate a sentence only!!

2008-01-08 7:13 am

回答 (5)

2008-01-08 7:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
things are not going well
2008-01-08 10:05 pm
everything is out of my control and not going very well

2008-01-08 14:08:29 補充:
OR you could sayeverything is not smooth just now.
2008-01-08 7:58 am
The whole shoot are not favoringly.

2008-01-09 00:00:47 補充:
The whole shoot are unfavorable. hi ,呢句先真!
2008-01-08 7:49 am
Anything are unfavorable for us.
2008-01-08 7:19 am
All are not so smooth.

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