✔ 最佳答案
1. 買賣一旦付款成交, 買家不得以任何理由,任何借口要求退貨退款。
The Buyer is not permitted to request for a refund or return the merchandise on any grounds or excuses once all monies has been paid and the transaction executed and completed.
2. 以上提及的文件與相片均屬賣家私有財產,聖不可侵犯,且受法律保護,未經賣家同意,任何人不得采用任何手段,任何機器進行復印、拍攝、下載,不得用作電視、電影、書刊雜誌、報紙、互聯網及商家產品的宣傳資料及廣告宣傳,違者將被追究法律責任。
All documents and photographs included herein are properties of the Seller and are protected under applicable laws. Any unauthorised reproduction including but not limited to photocopying, photographing, imagizing, downloading by any means mechanical chemical or electronic in any way; or utilisation in any media including but not limited to television and / or cinematic broadcasting, print, internet; or utilisation of such aforementioned documents and photographs in any advertisement in any form without the express permission of the Seller is strictly prohibited. Offenders will be prosecuted.
點解講明 "不要用Machine Translation(機械翻譯)!!!", 但上面幾位師兄仍用翻譯軟件? 不知所謂...
2008-01-12 14:46:59 補充:
上面(1)中 "executed" 一字唔知點解被分開為 "exe" "cuted". 應係 "executed" 一個字