somethings about WW1?? (10 marks)

2008-01-08 5:54 am
which one of the following underlying causes is the most important that cause WW1????
1 political rivalries
2. miliary rivalries
3.colonial and economic rivalries
4.extreme nationlism

回答 (1)

2008-01-08 6:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
我反而覺得係alliance system(聯盟制度)
點解你學o既causes入面無? 呢個好重要。
聯盟制度, 係由德國先發起o既, 原因係:
1. check against the revenge of France (法國曾被德國打敗, 一直想報仇)
2. to isolate France (同法國有舊恨新仇, 咪聯盟嚟抵制佢)
3. Strengthen the national strength(無他, 人多勢眾)
亦一定有極端民族主義o既人, 只係嗰個唔係個領導人就唔會引起太大問題.
邊有可能要求個個思想一樣? never.
但係alliance system令國際關係更緊張, 分黨分派更加明顯,
而且將一啲local wars演變成world war(比方說A同B要打仗, 但C話佢撐A,
D話撐B, 結果一個LUNG一個, 就全世界都打仗)

so the most important cause of WW1 is the alliance system.
參考: 課堂及己見。

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