轉行做律師; 要進修什麽...

2008-01-08 5:15 am
我38嵗,擁有MBA degree. 想轉行做律師 (事務律師)。讀Parttime的話,要進修什麽院校,什麽課目才行?要多長時間?要什麽資歷?


Among HKU, CityU and CU, can I assume HKU is the best? And, are they the same time duration to completion? And same qualification?

回答 (2)

2008-01-08 8:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can consider
1. HKU space offers prepartory courses for students taking U of London LLB (2-4 years) 2 years with degree. And then PCLL course

The minimum entry requirements for the University of London LL.B. programme are:
either, 2 "A" level and 3 "O" level passes (not necessarily obtained in one sitting);
or, equivalent.
Students recognised by the University of London as graduate entrants take 9 subjects in a minimum of 2 years. Non-graduates take 12 subjects over a minimum of 3 years. Students following the slower routes are advised to study Criminal Law in the second year.

These LL.B. preparation courses are aimed at candidates for the University of London examinations. Attending these courses is not compulsory, but will greatly improve a candidate's chances of success in the examinations.

After completion, you can take the Preparatory Courses for PCLL Admission Conversion Examination (offered by HKU Space)

2. CityU and CUHK JD (varies case by case) and then PCLL course
2008-01-09 6:13 pm
你不如去持續進修一站通 www.CEFcourse.com 睇下啦, 好有用~
there are some Law related course also.

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