Musicianship Test

2008-01-08 4:25 am
我想問點先可以準備好個Musicianship Test? (仲有一年時間)
應該買邊本書幫手?Grade 5 theory又夠唔夠用?
未學Grade 8 theory又係咪死梗?


Musicianship Test

回答 (1)

2008-01-09 10:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well, I haven't auditioned for Melbourne Uni so I don't have much experience and all this is just my humble opinion.
I think you can pass with Grade 5 but for areas especially the part on harmonisation, it would be quite challenging. But it is NOT the end of the world! The audition counts too!
Are you learning/going to learn theory from a teacher? I think a teacher would be able to help you the most. For example, your teacher could allocate more time to focus on your weaker areas. Do lots of past papers to get familiar with all types of questions. I don't know if AMEB musicianship papers are available, but it is no harm to try doing them too (if you can get them).
Finally, ALL THE BEST for your audition & musicianship test!!
參考: i go to sydney con =)

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