2008-01-07 9:58 pm
e.g. 1 After he had brushed his teeth,he had breakfast.

e.g. 2 She has been a DJ since she left school.

點解一句要受past perfect 一句要用present perfect呢?

thank you!!

回答 (3)

2008-01-07 11:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案

E.g.1: After he had brushed his teeth, he had breakfast.
逢係有"...before..." 或者 "...after..." 既句子,
就一定係用"Past Perfect+Past Simple"架啦
"Past Perfect+Past Simple" 即係:
首先做既動作用Past Perfect
~ After he had brushed his teeth,(佢首先刷牙)
後來做既動作用Past Simple
~ he had breakfast.(然後佢食早餐)

E.g. 2: She has been a DJ since she left school.
多數有"...since..(a time period)..."/ "...for...(a time period)..."/ ".....yet."
就會用到 "Present Perfect Tense"
所以要用Present Perfect Tense.

2008-01-08 13:18:23 補充:
如果你有任何有關Tenses既問題都可以"腥依貓"問下我架無任歡迎喔~**I'm LiTtLe TaMaMa**
參考: ~全部都係我既已有知識黎架~ !! 咪抄牙 -- NO COPYING !!
2008-01-07 11:23 pm
"he had brushed his teeth" he has already finish brushing his teeth. "he had breakfast" he has already finish his breakfast so we use past perfect.

" She has been a DJ " because she is a DJ now too, not only in the past, so we use present perfect.
That means we use past perfect when the action is already happen and finished.
We use present perfect when the action has only happen, but it has not finish till now.
參考: myself
2008-01-07 10:23 pm
1. It needs to use past perfect tense because he is done with those actions. It was in the past.

2. It needs to use present perfect because she is still a DJ. She is still doing her job as DJ now.

For other example: She has been practicing piano since noon.
-----> It means she is still practicing piano since noon time until now at this moment.

or She has been teaching English for 10 years.
----> It means she is still teaching English now.
參考: myself

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